After a bad day there is nothing better then walking up to a baddie and hitting them with all you got.

Some unleash the powers of wind, rain, snow, and ice!

Some fly above the mob handing the Tank all the first aid and engery drinks they need to keep going, then point and laugh.

Some walk right up to the target, call them names, and hit them over the head with a mace!

All the unwinding that we ever need - we have found it here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Some fixes from NcSoft???

It is a sad moment when you want to stand up and applaud a company for doing something helpful for there customers, but that is how I fell today! I just got done reading the patch notes for 6-24-08 and there was a few things that I was happy for. As always there is some tweaking of numbers, animations that are now working that weren't, and the normal stuff. But there are 2 things that i want to mention:
  • /Sync A new slash command that is to help put you back in sync with the server when you end falling through a rip in the MMORPG time space continuum.
  • And a lot of restrictions put on trial accounts. The restrictions are numerous and I really don't want to type that much. Hopefully they are not so much that it will deture new players form joining. But there are little things in there what will help hold off on the dreaded Spam.

WOOT a patch that was worth the 2 hr down time!!!!

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