Dead or Alive
but preferably DEAD
Dear Friends,
Lapis (Dragon's Warshade) has been challenged by Nosferatu, part of her epic story arc. He sent her a letter:
Lapis Lazuli,
I thank you for your concern, but to tell the truth, I am somewhat interested in becoming a Nictus. Unlike Vandal, I do not see that as a kind of death, but as an interesting new state of being.
However, I am not locked into the idea. I would like to see just how good you Kheldians really are. Also, I could use a fight to test the limits of the work I've done on my own body. So, let us arrange a simple test: If you can defeat me and allow me to remain free, I will change sides in this struggle and assist the Center. Until you do, I shall support Requiem, and by extension Arakhn and the Nictus. I have enclosed a location I can be found at.
Bring allies.
You will need them.
However, I am not locked into the idea. I would like to see just how good you Kheldians really are. Also, I could use a fight to test the limits of the work I've done on my own body. So, let us arrange a simple test: If you can defeat me and allow me to remain free, I will change sides in this struggle and assist the Center. Until you do, I shall support Requiem, and by extension Arakhn and the Nictus. I have enclosed a location I can be found at.
Bring allies.
You will need them.
So - this Saturday @ 12 noon EST on Victory- Lapis will be running this mish against this elite vampire AV. She is security LVL 42 - Almost 43, and the mish will be in Dark Astoria. This means all members will need to be at least 21 to enter the zone. NO FAKE IDs ACCEPTED. If you want to join us just send a shout out over the Cobalt channel and let us know. Not sure about side kick offers until then because we are not sure who will join us. Even I am pretty sure I will need a side kick! LOL
So please, for the safety of Paragon - For Humanity and Kheldians everywhere - for the XP - for the drops - come help us run Lapis' story arc.
Faedra (Mab)
Ok all i was at work and Bo is requesting this to be moved to Sunday. She can not make Saterday. Also there was much wining and pounding on the desk when she saw the date! The other 1/2 of this dision is that I'm more likely to get stuck at work on Saterday, there may not be a full shift comming in, and that will mean that someone is not going home. So it looks like it will be Sunday. Sorry for the change but what are can a person do?
Yeah. What Dragon said! Except the part about me whining. Let's make a hot date and save the world on Sunday.
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