After a bad day there is nothing better then walking up to a baddie and hitting them with all you got.

Some unleash the powers of wind, rain, snow, and ice!

Some fly above the mob handing the Tank all the first aid and engery drinks they need to keep going, then point and laugh.

Some walk right up to the target, call them names, and hit them over the head with a mace!

All the unwinding that we ever need - we have found it here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Issue 13 Goes Live!

Yep the long wait is finally over. Posted on the forums the offical word on I13's release.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trick or Treat

As a special treat for all of us unable to travel to Cali for Herocon the devs have started the Halloween event two days early. So hop online get some trick or treating done. You can get badges for killing "trick" spawns, badges for colllecting costumes and badges for defeating zombie hordes during Zombie invasion.

Lets not forget collecting all the yummy costume salvage to be hoarded for all our future toons to come.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well it is with trembling fingers and a pounding heart that I report that Finally the official word is out on Issue 13. Check out the official announcement and a letter from Positron giving us more details and information

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let the Speculation Begin!

So lots of talk has been going on as what the actual content of Issue 13 will be. So far the only confirmed content is that there will be some base love coming for all us base builders. As if that isn’t exciting enough I found this article that talks about some other speculated items to come in the next issue.

While 12 was celebrated as being the most quality of life friendly if even a portion of what is listed in this article is true then 13 will be the best expansion to ever come to COH/COV ever. What do you think and what would you like to see in the upcoming issue?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Long Awaited Answer

I know that many of us have wondered where Master Minds keep getting their summoned minions from. Where do some of the villain groups keep getting recruits from? And finally I have found an answer. Spotted in Cap Au Diable the following Ad is the answer to all our questions.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Double The Fun

That’s right, it’s that time again. Double XP weekend hits us starting Friday July 18. So start stocking up on the soda and munchies. Make sure you get the weekend off from your boss and make sure that friends and family know that is is going to be an incommunicado weekend.

So be prepared to be sleep deprived and remember you can shower on Sunday night as you finally get to sleep.

Monday, July 7, 2008

All in the Name of Fun

So what do Heroes do when they need a bit of light entertainment to liven up their day? Well today a group of heroes in Croatoa discovered that while Jack and Eochai were up and fighting in the Grim Vale a second Jack in Irons was up and hanging out in the Misty Wood.
So what do an intrepid group of heroes do in such a situation? Why take the time to taunt and pull Jack to where his twin and Eochai are fighting and see if we can get a threesome going. The results as pictured below were definitely worth the cross Croatoa trip and definitely gave some chuckles all around.
Jack Swimming during his Cross Croatoa Trip

The Three of them Meet At Last

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ad Aware

So after hearing about it and speculating about it, it’s finally come to Paragon City. In game ads are now a reality. Below is a picture of the first one I saw in Atlas Park.

Hey if you find more let me know. I have a weird desire to need to see them all :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Some fixes from NcSoft???

It is a sad moment when you want to stand up and applaud a company for doing something helpful for there customers, but that is how I fell today! I just got done reading the patch notes for 6-24-08 and there was a few things that I was happy for. As always there is some tweaking of numbers, animations that are now working that weren't, and the normal stuff. But there are 2 things that i want to mention:
  • /Sync A new slash command that is to help put you back in sync with the server when you end falling through a rip in the MMORPG time space continuum.
  • And a lot of restrictions put on trial accounts. The restrictions are numerous and I really don't want to type that much. Hopefully they are not so much that it will deture new players form joining. But there are little things in there what will help hold off on the dreaded Spam.

WOOT a patch that was worth the 2 hr down time!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Song Dedication

Sometimes we can’t help but just think of a hero or villain and think of a song that captures their personality perfectly. For Zerlina it’s a hands down favorite that she gets Super Freak by Rick James as her “theme song”. For others it’s a little more tongue in cheek like Oops I Did it Again by Britney Spears being my song for Bo.

Of course I also like to have different music styles for different characters. Jessie’s Girl is fond of 80’s music while knocking some heads while Day Dream Believer is fond of oldies grooving in the background.

So recently I took that a step further and created a play list for one of my favorite characters out there (imagine that it’s not even my toon) Zafierra. Its my interesting take on what kind of songs could be played as part of a soundtrack for her. But while I was looking for some nostalgic music I found the ultimate song for her. It trumps just about every other song I could possible come up with.

So Zafierra this is a special dedication for you

This Maniac’s in Love with You by Alice Cooper from the album Trash

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Numbers are in!!!!

Ok all so the Poll stats for Where your Villions Live has been up for some time and here is the Numbers.

#1 Victory (6)
#2 Liberty (5)
#3 Pinnacle (2)
#4 Justice and Champion (1)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Instrument of Woe Gets Called Out!

The headline in the newspaper grabs your attention. What? A hero of Woe's caliber being challenged? What nefarious villain would dare to even risk such a beat down? Who would be stupid enough to try and take on one of the Victory Shard's Apocalypse 9? Yet as you read, your astonishment grows. It's not some silly villain trying to prove their worth by taking on the hero of the new Rikti War. It is, in fact, another such hero! Remi, known on her shard of Liberty for plowing though the Rikti, is the one behind the challenge. You read on - trying to see if Remi has finally snapped from all the pressure.

My dear Woe,
We have never met but your legend is well known here in my world, an "alternate dimension" similar to your own. You are a legend in my world - though I do not believe you ever stepped foot in it. You see we have a mutual friend named Banshee. A while back, Banshee was caught in a time slip that caused her to come to m world. We became friends and it was her stories of you that inspired me. See my family was killed in the first Rikti War. Growing up in White Plains, I lost everything when they came. No family, no friends, and no home. Banshee's stories made me believe it was possible to rise as a hero and help save others from what I went through.
Nice story, but why the challenge?
  • It would be fun.
  • I would finally be able to meet you, face to face.
  • I, absurd but true, would like to know if I could beat my hero.
  • We could open it to everyone to watch. An event if you will.

OK - so here is what I propose.

  • We meet on the Test Server, a "neutral" dimension.
  • You may pick one other to serve as your second - any one, of any build or AT. I am asking Banshee to Second for me. You would pick a brute if you like. The idea is fun so - whomever or whatever you like.
  • We open it up so our friends can watch. Would anyone like to start a pool? I have $10 inf on Woe - oops maybe I shouldn't say that.

That's it, though I am open to other wants or ideas.


Instrument of Woe!

Remi is calling you out!

Friday, June 6, 2008

They have landed... Agen?

Well the Retic have laned agen... So brake out all those toons that do not have the badges and go hunt!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Honor goes to Victory

Today Task Force Honor lead by Nova Hunter, tanked by Fire Brander and healed by Jivanta were joined by a team of valiant heroes determined to help Sara Moore save the world and take out Ruladak the Strong in the Shadow Shard.

With an awesome time of 4 hours the team hacked and blasted their way through mobs of Nemesis and Rularuu to come out victors proudly wearing their Destroyer of Strength achievement badges.

Awesome job and keep up the good work.

Watch for the Trip-Wire and Confetti

Congrats Nova!

Sneaking in to place the bombs, using technology to advance justice, a new level 50 has arisen! Please, when the heavy fire of bullets ceases, congratulate NovaHunter (Elderstar's Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster) on becoming the "Hero of the City".
Paragon City can sleep easy knowing she is kept safe by another amazing hero!

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Alien Has Landed

Please join us in celebrating Lapis (Dragon's Warshade)
into the quickly growing team of level 50s.
She managed to hit the level cap and became the Coven's first Kheldian 50.
We are very proud of you!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A New Villian Has Risen

Yes with all the hard work and hot lead flying and swords flashing, Cynical and T Cell have joined the ranks of the destined ones by hitting level 50 with their mastermind and brute.

A big congrats to you both.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It Has Begun!

That's right folks I12 Midnight Hour has hit live today. For those who are still trying to get their last few levels fear not there will still be time to gain those levels and create your new toons. With lots of new changes there is a lot to absorb but the most important one that I'm excited about is being able to earn prestige and influence at all levels. So get into SG mode and lets earn badges and plenty of prestige to make those bases a true home away from home.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sky Raider Respec

You are cordially invited to a Respec Trial
When: Wednesday May 21 12 PM EST
Place: Gather in IP
What to Bring: any 24+ toon that needs a respect, badge, or just good old fashioned fun

For those who might be around on Wednesday Elderstar and Z will be hosting a Respec Trial. Hope to see yall there.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Taking Down Nosferatu!

Well Nosferatu has been taken down a notch! We will see if he actuly sticks to his word and and switches sids! Only one team wipe, his PbAoes are a killer! Thank to all that came and helped!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Change of Date


Dragon has asked to postpone her Warshade AV mission from Saturday 5/17 to Sunday 5/18. As it's her mission, we will need her to run it. So all the info from previous post stands except for the date.

Sorry for any problems this may cause her friends! She still hopes to see as many heroes there as can join her.


Lapis Has Been Challenged

Dead or Alive
but preferably DEAD
Dear Friends,

Lapis (Dragon's Warshade) has been challenged by Nosferatu, part of her epic story arc. He sent her a letter:

Lapis Lazuli,

I thank you for your concern, but to tell the truth, I am somewhat interested in becoming a Nictus. Unlike Vandal, I do not see that as a kind of death, but as an interesting new state of being.
However, I am not locked into the idea. I would like to see just how good you Kheldians really are. Also, I could use a fight to test the limits of the work I've done on my own body. So, let us arrange a simple test: If you can defeat me and allow me to remain free, I will change sides in this struggle and assist the Center. Until you do, I shall support Requiem, and by extension Arakhn and the Nictus. I have enclosed a location I can be found at.
Bring allies.
You will need them.

So - this Saturday @ 12 noon EST on Victory- Lapis will be running this mish against this elite vampire AV. She is security LVL 42 - Almost 43, and the mish will be in Dark Astoria. This means all members will need to be at least 21 to enter the zone. NO FAKE IDs ACCEPTED. If you want to join us just send a shout out over the Cobalt channel and let us know. Not sure about side kick offers until then because we are not sure who will join us. Even I am pretty sure I will need a side kick! LOL
So please, for the safety of Paragon - For Humanity and Kheldians everywhere - for the XP - for the drops - come help us run Lapis' story arc.
Faedra (Mab)

More Congrats Than You Can Shake a Bat At!

More news from the Sister Psyche Network - on the alternate dimension of "Liberty" Banshee, our beloved orange-soda goth Sonic/Sonic Defender hit 50 last night!

Also, on our plan of existence of "Victory" we can all sleep a little easier at night knowing that the Baseball Bat/Willpower Tank, Broadside of a Barn, has also joined the ranks of the super powered. I am willing to bet that our beautiful and deadly tank CAN hit a barn wall now!

Congrats Ladies! Jobs well done and badges hard earned!


Just thought to share the fun from a recent mission with Lapis Cynical and Barn trying to take down a Longbow Elite Boss. If you look in the top of the picture you can see poor little Lapis being knocked back by his repulstion bubble

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

COH Fashion

For those who have been curious about the new costume options there are quite a few new patterns and a few new additions but the one people are most curious about is the new roman armor. So here Zerlina got all dressed up for your viewing pleasure and is modeling the new armor. There are a few different options for the helmet but here she is modeling her favorite look, and a full boot option for the feet, but then Z has always been the barefoot kind of gal. Click on the picture for a larger view.

COH News

And so once we get ourselves organized and set up to chat the gaming hours away NCSoft throws out something that many in the gaming community have been after for a while. Yep in case you haven’t been lurking on the boards it was posted yesterday that Voice Chat is coming to COH.

Of course the Forums are full of cries of DOOM and lots of excitement and concern but we’ll see where it takes us in the future. But for now we’ll stick with our current set up as its paid through December. So fear not after all my badgering we’re not about to decamp and move to another voice system (yet).

News From Banshee!

Banshee sent a word through the Sister Psyche Network and has informed us of the newest 50s! Kahli, Remi and Code Name M, have all reached 50!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

In The Beginning...

In the Beginning I lost my roommate to the computer (We will call her Mab)... Not the most uncommon thing in the world. But then Mab in her grate wisdom showed me how to turn my computer in to a portal so that could I could join her in a new and strange place.. This place was an alternate dimension in Rode Island, where war and strife was running rampant. And Mab said on to me "I can't stop the pain and suffering in this world with out you. I need your help!" And so an addiction was born. But then one day I, Dragon went to Bo and told her of this place. She did not come as easily; but when she sat in front the the portal she saw that she was needed too. That maybe she could be the deciding factor, the one to tip the scales and restore peace to this land.

Much time has passed since then, pain and suffering are still abundant in this world, but there are countless numbers of Heroes just like us fighting to make Paragon City a better place.